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St. Louis Arc Fall 2023 Leisure Times Brochure

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NextEDNextED Challenge oers sessions throughout the summer. Each session focuses on dierent independent living concepts. Topics include:Scan the QR Code to complete an eligibility inquiry. For quesons or to learn more about upcoming NextED Challenge sessions, email or call St. Louis Arc at 314-• Hands-on learning experiences• Interacve group acvies• Teambuilding• Community Exploraon• Guest Speakers• 1:5 sta raoImmersive Learning ProgramReal Life Skill BuildingThrough a residenal summer camp experience, NextED Challenge provides young adults an opportunity to challenge their expectaons of living on their own. Aendees parcipate in hands-on learning, interacve group acvies, and community exploraon while staying in apartment-style housing. ChallengeSession 1 - OvernightDates: July 17 - July 21Locaon: Apartment style suites on the University of Missouri - St. Louis campusTime: Check-in Monday at 9 a.m. through check-out Friday at 4 p.m.Session 2 - DaymeDates: August 14 - August 18Locaon: Airbnb near Forest ParkTime: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m - 4 p.m.Session 3 - DaymeDates: August 21 - August 25Locaon: Airbnb near Forest ParkTime: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m - 4 p.m.2023 Summer SessionsFor individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilies, ages 18-30.All individuals must complete an intake meeng prior to registraon. 2023 Summer Page 10Completed

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